About Sonel Hotels Barao de Sao Miguel
Sonel Hotels is a Portuguese family-run hotel chain that specializes in personalized service and high-standard hospitality. They have three to four-star tourist spaces in the country. The group also prides itself for their use of modern technology and strategic collaborations. For instance, in 2016, Sonel Hotels partnered with RateGain for a more efficient transaction. They chose RateGain for channel management solution. They signed a contract for three of their properties in Portugal. This means RateGain’s channel manager is now integrated to their hotel operational system. The collaboration’s purpose is to easily combine a bunch of systems such as Central Reservations Systems and Property Management Systems.
RateGain’s channel manager, RezGain can be used either as a stand-alone system or in coordination with other systems. RezGain can even be connected to CRS to boost the clients’ access to the services of the hotels. This way, the company can also keep in touch with the problems their guests and potential customers are having. RezGain also receives data about rate values so the hotels know whether they should adjust or not and to what extend they should, if ever needed. According to CEO of Sonel Hotels RuiseSa Fernandes, RateGain is a strong technological partner that has given them a big boost in the local and international markets.